Barrowcliffe Place
Client: Panuku (C/O Boffa Miskell)
Description: Transformation of the existing bridge and road into a new walking and cycling route between Manukau and Wiri.
Role: Concept estimates, value engineering through to tender estimate and SOQ, Procurement, Payment recommendations, assessment of variations and financial reporting
Aroha Apartments
Client: Ockham
Description: Situated in Avondale, Aroha consists of 2 well-appointed apartment buildings sitting over a basement carpark podium.
Role: DVQS assisted Ockham Construction with scheduling of the Concrete and Carpentry trades
Modal Apartments
Client: Ockham
Description: 32 Apartment development situated in Mt Albert.
Role: DVQS assisted Ockham Construction with scheduling of the Concrete and Carpentry trades
Kōkihi Apartments
Client: Ockham
Description: Situated in Waterview, Kōkihi consists of three well-appointed apartment buildings.
Role: DVQS assisted Ockham Construction with scheduling of the Concrete and Carpentry trades
Nelson St Cycleway Phase 3
Client: Auckland Transport
Description: Continuation of the Nelson street cycle-way through market place.
Role: Concept, Developed and Detailed design estimates. Tender SOQ.
Takapuna Town Square
Client: Panuku
Description: Transformation of the existing Takapuna car park into a high quality town square.
Role: Concept estimates, value engineering through to tender estimate and SOQ, Procurement, Payment recommendations, assessment of variations and financial reporting
Hurstmere Rd Upgrade
Client: Auckland Council
Description: Streetscape upgrade, including high quality new stone and concrete pavements, rain gardens and cycleway.
Role: Tender evaluation, contract negotiation, value engineering, Payment recommendations, assessment of variations and financial reporting.
Otahuhu Town Centre Upgrade
Client: Auckland Council and Auckland Transport
Description: Streetscape upgrade of the existing Otahuhu town centre.
The upgrade focuses on Ōtāhuhu’s main street along Great South Road from Princes Street to Atkinson Avenue, Station Road, and Mason Avenue, with improvements that will provide better connections between public transport facilities, businesses, key community facilities, and public open spaces.
Role: Tender evaluation, contract negotiation, value engineering, Payment recommendations, assessment of variations and financial reporting.
Northland Twin Coast Discovery Route
Client: NZTA (C/O Isthmus)
Description: To improve tourism and visitor appeal NZTA are putting together an Urban and Landscape Design Framework.
8 key townships will receive investment from the regional growth fund to enhance township amenity to attract visitors and encourage them to stop and spend money in the community.
Role: Concept estimates
Maki Street Upgrade
Client: Auckland Council
Description: Streetscape upgrade of the existing Maki Street through the Westgate town centre.
Role: Concept estimates, value engineering through to tender estimate and SOQ, Procurement, Payment recommendations, assessment of variations, financial reporting and fee payment schedules.
Tuatahi Apartments
Client: Ockham
Description: Situated in Mt Albert, Tuatahi consists of three well-appointed apartment buildings surrounding a large communal garden featuring a pool and a two-level community facility.
Role: DVQS assisted Ockham Construction with trade package procurement, plus scheduling of the Concrete and Carpentry trades for buildings 2 and 3
Federal Street Stage 2
Client: Auckland Transport
Description: Streetscape upgrade of Federal Street between Mayoral Drive & Wellesley St
Role: Concept estimate, Developed Design estimate, Tender estimate and SOQ.
New Lynn to Avondale Cycleway
Client: Auckland Transport
Description: The 2.9km New Lynn to Avondale Shared Path follows the rail line from New Lynn Station through green spaces to just east of Blockhouse Bay Road.
The path will create a continuous shared path linking New Lynn Train Station, Avondale Train Station, Waterview Shared Path ,the Northwestern cycleway, and city centre networks. It will also connect with the Te Whau Pathway, which follows the west side of the Whau River in Avondale, and other local walking and cycling routes.
Role: DVQS was the parallel estimator for the project.
Landing Winery
Client: The Landing (Cooper & Company)
Description: New Winery and tasting room at The Landings development, Bay of Islands.
Role: DVQS is the project QS responsible for estimates, procurement of trade packages and financial reporting against budget to the client.
Huapai Triangle
Client: Auckland Transport
Description: New Gyratory intersection at SH16, Station Road and Tapu Road replacing the old T intersection. Plus SH16 / Access Road intersection upgrade.
Both required to serve the new Huapai Triangle Special Housing Area
Role: DVQS was the parallel estimator on the project, responsible for preparing parallel estimates for 4 different options, including reconciliation with the AECOM estimate.
Stormwater Pond
Client: Auckland Council
Description: Construction of a Stormwater pond within the Sonn Group Fred Taylor Drive Residential Development.
Role: Negotiation of IFA Costs with the Developer, and assessment of monthly progress claims.
Penrose Station Platform Extensions
Client: AT
Description: The extension allows 6-car trains to service the station when special events (like concerts) are held at nearby Mt Smart Stadium.
Role: DVQS was the project QS responsible for, estimates, tender evaluation, payment recommendations, assessment of variations and agreement of final account.
Westgate Town Centre
Client: Auckland Council and Auckland Transport
Description: Auckland Council in partnership with NZRPG are creating the new Westgate town centre. The project includes the construction of new roading, 4 storm water ponds, and parks infrastructure as well as the construction of a new town square.
Role: Daniel has been the project Quantity Surveyor since 2011, where he prepared the concept estimates for the initial budgets, since then he has been involved in the day to day financial management of the project, including estimates, schedule of quantities, procurement and monthly cost reporting to the PLT.
Warehouse & Office
Client: Sable Engineering/ANZ
Description: 850m2 warehouse to accommodate a steel fabrication workshop, a 190m2 two level office and lunch room and 1200m2 yard.
Role: Banks QS for ANZ
City Centre Streetscape Design
Client: Tauranga City Council c/o Isthmus
Description: DVQS is part of the design team tasked with preparing concept designs and estimates for 4 key locations in Tauranga.
Role: Concept, Developed and Tender Design Estimates and Tender SOQ.
Auckland Rail Electrification
Client: Kiwirail
Description: A challenging project involving the installation of fibreglass and steel bridge screens to 67 bridges across the Auckland rail network to protect people coming in contact with the 25kv overhead catenary cables, as well as earthing and bonding to all bridges.
Role: Daniel was the project QS responsible for payment recommendations, assessment of variations, and agreement of final account.
Auckland Rail Electrification enabling works
Client: Kiwirail
Description: Clevedon Road bridge replacement, Glen Eden station footbridge replacement, and Church Street track lowering.
Role: Daniel was the project QS responsible for payment recommendations, assessment of variations, and agreement of final account.
Otahuhu Bus Rail Interchange
Client: Auckland Transport C/O Aurecon.
Description: New Bus Rail interchange including a new station building and footbridge access across the rail corridor from the new bus interchange to the existing upgraded rail platform.
Role: Estimates from concept through to tender, including value engineering.
Newmarket Laneways Streetscape Upgrade
Client: Auckland Council / Isthmus Ltd
Description: Streetscape upgrades to 3 streets in Newmarket.
Role: DVQS has been appointed as the QS on the project responsible for completing concept, developed design and detailed design estimates, schedule of quantities for tender and main contract administration.
Gabriel House
Client: The Landing (Cooper & Company)
Description: Ultra High End House, located in The Landings development, bay of islands.
Role: Daniel was the project QS responsible for estimates, procurement of trade packages, administration of subcontractor payment claims, and financial reporting against budget to the client.
Cooper House
Client: The Landing (Cooper & Company)
Description: Ultra High End House, located in The Landings development, bay of islands. Where Barack Obama stayed when he visited NZ.
Role: Daniel was the QS responsible for estimates from concept to detailed design.
Westgate Ponds
Client: Auckland Council
Description: High amenity ponds with high quality hard landscaping including pathway network, Corten steel retaining walls and feature crib walls.
Ponds 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 & 7
Role: Daniel was the QS responsible for estimates from concept to detailed design, and financial management of the project.
Dominion Road Upgrade
Client: Auckland Transport
Description: The Dominion Road upgrade project is proposed to improve bus movements and reliability, provide pavement upgrades to the village centres and introduce alternative cycle routes to the east and west of Dominion Road.
Role: Daniel was the QS responsible for preparing the estimates from concept through to pre tender, peer reviews and preparation of the tender schedules.
Wairau Road Upgrade
Client: Auckland Transport
Description: Bridge replacement, new intersection, widened carriageway and new retaining walls.
Role: Daniel was the project Quantity Surveyor representing AT, responsible for progress claims, financial reporting and assessment of variations.
Glenfield Road Upgrade
Client: Auckland Transport
Description: Additional lanes were added in each direction, including the addition of retaining walls, stormwater and utility upgrades and under grounding of overhead cables.
Role: Daniel was the project Quantity Surveyor representing AT, responsible for progress claims, financial reporting and assessment of variations.